About Us

Welcome to GENIUS TUTORIAL SERVICE, where learning meets excellence!

At GENIUS TUTORIAL SERVICE, we believe that education is the cornerstone of success. Our mission is to provide personalized, high-quality tutoring services that empower students to achieve their full potential and develop a lifelong love of learning.

Who We Are

Founded in 2021, GENIUS TUTORIAL SERVICE is a team of passionate educators and industry experts dedicated to making learning accessible, engaging, and effective. Our diverse team of tutors brings a wealth of knowledge and experience across various subjects and educational levels, from elementary school to college and beyond.

Our Philosophy

We understand that every student has unique needs and learning styles. That's why we offer tailored tutoring sessions designed to address individual strengths and areas for improvement. Our approach combines personalized instruction with proven teaching strategies to help students build confidence, master difficult concepts, and reach their academic goals.

What We Offer

  • One-on-One Tutoring: Personalized sessions that focus on individual learning needs.
  • Group Tutoring: Collaborative learning environments that foster peer interaction and support.
  • Test Preparation: Expert guidance to help students excel in standardized tests, including SAT, IOWA, TOFEL, GSECE, ESLCE, and more.
  • Homework Help: Assistance with assignments and projects to reinforce classroom learning.
  • Specialized Programs: Customized programs for advanced learners and those seeking enrichment opportunities.

Our Commitment

We are committed to providing a supportive and encouraging learning environment where students feel valued and motivated. Our tutors are not only skilled educators but also mentors who care deeply about each student’s academic journey.

Why Choose Us?

Get In Touch

Ready to take the next step in your educational journey? Contact us today to learn more about our services, schedule a free consultation, or get started with tutoring. We look forward to helping you or your child reach new heights!

Email: info@ethiogenius.com

Phone: +251985077777 / +251986077777

Address: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Website: ethiogenius.com